The 2012 wishlist. Photography stuff and other things I want to attract

Hello February!

As per usual, work and life got the better of me and I spent January away from this beloved blog, save for the monologue about Olympus. And that entry wasn't quite so happy. I think it's time to focus on more positive things about my life and Photography.

Just thought I'd begin compiling a photography related wishlist. I think most of you are aware of the first one and how that turned out (except for some big ticket items, I pretty much fulfilled the rest of my wishes). Lets see if I can't redo the list and add to it.

1) Olympus E5 - I was wishing for the E3 initially, but what the heck! Go big or go home! The E5's got video! Why not?
2) Olympus Zuiko Digital 12-60mm 2.8-4.0 SWD lens. Still want this one.
3) CDR King film scanner - if anything's going to get me excited about making more pinhole cameras (which I should write about in another post), it's this. :)
4) Olympus FL-50R.
5) Macbook Pro
6) Honda CBR400. Just because I want a big bike. :)  or a Yamaha FZ16 (coz it looks big, but it's economical)
7) Travel. On number 6 sana. :)
8) Lytro Cam!
9) Abundance
10) Happiness

I know. Not all of the things on that list are photography related. :) But that's not going to stop me from wishing for them.

For now, it's time to get some rest. Saturday, later today, is going to see me at the Bonifacio High Street branch of The Picture Company. :) Gotta get some rest.

I wish everyone a Happy New Year! Good night!
