May Month Update: Jace's photography outside of work
Good morning all. While waiting for the ringflash I ordered from DIY photography to arrive, might as well write about more of the things this blog was meant for, i.e. my experience of life with photography. First, I was asked by one of my closest friends to cover the recital of a couple of summer workshops she and her friends from Make Believe have been holding, one at the Fully Booked in Bonifacio High Street, and the others (as they are 3 workshops presented in one venue) at Maria Montessori in Merville park. While I believe I'm a professional photographer, I really feel like I have a ways to go when it comes to covering events. I know I could've done better, light-wise, in both instances, certain situational constraints (available light sources - both mine and at venue, technical difficulties etc.) couldn't be helped. All in all though I think I did pretty good. I'd post some photos on the blog but I don't have model releases of the kids. Straying back to th...