First off, it's been forever since I last wrote in any of my blogs. Just a statement of fact. Now on to the main thought of this entry... In my quest (albeit inconsistent and rambling) to better myself as a photographer, I have, on occasion, visited several sites to learn new concepts, study other people's photos and make my own little tools and things, like the light tent for example... I previously blogged about strobist and it being one of the sites I would love to make this blog like, a wellspring of info and learning. I recently stumbled onto a site which would also help give ideas and let one express their creativity for feedback. Stumbled onto via facebook. From what I can tell, its a community of photographers of different skill levels who group themselves according to their specific interests. There's a community strictly for black and white photography, DSLR users, Nature photography etc. What I like about it is that they require participation via votin...