Year-end Reflections (part1?)

No literal reflections here. At least none photographed.

I'm writing this on the fly, more of a reaction to David Hobby's latest post reflecting about his year on, and to some of his top ten posts of the year, in particular the10th. That particular post talks about Imitation being a path to Innovation, which begins with a reference to Picasso, goes on highlighting the work of one Justin Lanier, who doesn't seem to have his own website yet so you can check his work on on his flicker. It got me thinking... what exactly have I done this year with my personal photography?

I have to say, personal photography-wise, it's been a quiet 2011. I didn't get to pursue a lot of my personal projects started way back when,but then again what's new? But now that I think about it...

1) I was able to do an entry for the Motorcycle diaries / monument personal project.
2) I got new gear in the form of the DIY ringflash...
3) ... which I used in my night-club escapades with my good friend, and cousin, Angelo.
4) One of my closest friends asked me to do a Prenup shoot for her, which I was gladly able to pull off, guerrilla style. Unfortunately no blogged or published photos from this set before their wedding. I figure since it's been awhile so I can probably post some soon, hopefully before the year ends.

Aside from some parties and those above, and a couple of photography advancement related entries, it's been a quiet year for me.

I intend to change that for 2012 however. :)

For now, I leave you with some Christmas family photos (annual tradition) in front of the Plants Vs. Zombies populated tree (mostly unseen hehe).



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