Lytro has arrived!

Quick post before rushing off to work.

LYTRO is here! By "here" I mean upon us.

I came across it last night while going through the headlines of my preferred feeds. I saw the announcement on dpreview. Check it out!

It's by no means in any form reminiscent of your regular camera. Then again, it pretty much does nothing like any consumer camera out there anyway. 

Since the technology allows you to shoot first and ask questions focus later, the shutter is instant. With a constant aperture of f2 through out the zoom range (35-280mm equivalent), it will rule low light situations too. Interface is simple, with just a power button, shutter button, and zoom  to worry about. Viewing the pictures and focusing is as easy as swipe and point. 

The camera has an internal, consumer-non-replaceable battery, and internal storage available in two sizes: 8GB (Graphite and Electric Blue) which allows for 350 11 "megaray" shots and 16 GB (Red-Hot) which gives you 750 pictures. While not available on current release, the technology will enable 3D viewing of photos taken on the camera once they finish writing the program some time next year.

Did you reserve one when they hyped it up before? :) I did. But it'll take a bit of time to come up with the $399 for the 8GB model (or $499 for the 16GB). Christmas wish list plus 1!

I've checked out the site and tried going through steps to buy (since I've reserved one). It appears that they don't have the ability to ship international as of yet. Only available in the continental US it seems. And shipping date is by March - April of 2012.

That's a looooooooooooooong wait. Oh well. :) Wait, we shall.

Check out the announcement article and the overview. All photos from Dpreview.


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