PP: Tuesday Motorcycle Diary >> SPLASH ISLAND

The 2nd entry into this Tuesday Motorcycle Diary is my "epic" solo trip to Splash Island!

Ok, first off I'm happy I even got there. Hahaha. Secondly, I realize that it would've been more fun if I weren't alone. :) Having said that, I also add a disclaimer: I don't think any of this particular trip's photos is artsy-fartsy or even decently pretty. Most of, if any at all, of the photos and video that I shot is basically a sort-of retelling of the experience. And, let's face it, I only made up this personal project to give me an excuse to ride ride ride. :D Due to distance considerations and the fact that I was going to get wet, I opted to bring the Olympus C-5000z with me, together with the underwater casing. Here are select photos and videos. :)

Videos first. Photos to follow. :)

The Big Bam Boo

The Tausug Trails

King Pilipit

... And shot in reverse

Magellan's Drop

Trip summary:
Departed at 12pm, traveled 65 odd KMs, arrived at roughly 2:45pm. Parking was 40 php, paid 400 for entrance, rented 2 lockers for my stuff (100 pesos), ate 90 pesos worth of park-approved food, lost 10 pesos in one of the rides (coins slipped out of my pocket). Went to as many of the attractions as I could, and rode them more than once if possible. Did NOT pee in any of the pools. Left at around 5:15, took some photos on the way home of interesting stuff (which you will see posted soon), and suffered through so much muffler smoke on the way home. Took a rest stop at fort to catch my breath and rode straight afterward. Arrived at home at 8:45 PM.

1.) Leave earlier. -- I could've but I was wary of the dark sky looming in the direction of the south.
2.) Pack lighter. -- as it was I brought a couple of things I wound up not needing.
3.) Bring a friend. -- it's not as fun alone as it is with others.
4.) I CAN DO IT!!! Hahaha!

04.20.10 updates: Pictures

Magellan's drop

Big Bam Boo

Sana lang

Sto. Nino de Cebu


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